Chalk Paint® Wax in Clear, Dark, White and Black

Chalk Paint® Wax in Clear, Dark, White and Black

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Use Clear Chalk Paint® Wax to seal and protect furniture and walls painted with Chalk Paint® decorative paint. Chalk Paint® Wax emphasises depth of colour and gives a beautiful mellow finish, or can be buffed to a high sheen. It is water-repellent too, so can be used on dining room tables and kitchen cabinets.

To achieve Annie's signature look, apply a thin coat of wax over your painted surface with a small Chalk Paint® Wax Brush. Work in small areas at a time, wiping off any excess with a clean cloth. For a distressed look, sand back to reveal a little of the wood or paint underneath before applying a second coat of wax.

Apply Dark Chalk Paint® Wax to age and give texture to your paintwork. Use it with clear Chalk Paint® Wax to seal and protect furniture and walls painted with Chalk Paint® decorative paint.

To achieve Annie's signature look, first apply a thin coat of clear Chalk Paint® Wax, removing any excess with a clean cloth. Next, apply the Dark Wax, pushing it into the paintwork to bring out brush marks and recesses. Wipe off any excess with Clear Wax, making sure every part of your piece has been waxed at least once.

Use White Chalk Paint® Wax to soften and lighten Chalk Paint® colours. It can also be applied directly onto unvarnished wood to create a limed look. Chalk Paint Wax® will seal and protect furniture and walls painted with Chalk Paint® decorative paint.

Apply a thin coat of white wax, removing any excess with a clean cloth. Less is more, so there's no need to apply wax too thickly. If you do over-apply the wax, you can wipe back any excess with clear Chalk Paint® Wax, making sure every part of your piece has been waxed at least once.

Black Chalk Paint® Wax will give a cool, dark finish to your paintwork, bringing out texture in brushwork and mouldings, as well as darkening and enriching colours. Use it with clear Chalk Paint® Wax to seal and protect furniture and walls painted with Chalk Paint® decorative paint.

First apply a thin base of clear wax, removing any excess with a clean cloth. Next, apply the black wax, pushing it into the paintwork to bring out brush marks and crevices. Wipe back any excess with clear wax, making sure every part of your piece has been waxed at least once.

Chalk Paint® Wax is not suitable for outdoor use. After care: wipe clean with a damp cloth. For tough marks, use a proprietary spray cleaner and rewax where necessary.

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