Old School Lab Worktops in Hardwood or Teak
Code: W49A030
Whether schooldays were the best (or worst) of our lives, there’s no denying this fine legacy of the traditional science lab. These modestly sized old school lab worktops in hardwood or Teak have all the hallmarks of a life at the hands of enquiring little minds - scratches and scuffs, gas taps and , of course, a jungle of fossilised chewing gum! We can’t be sure at this stage exactly what type of wood they are - but its’s likely a sub-equatorial hard wood and could be Teak? The tops solid wood and are 3cm thick. There is a batten frame screwed to the underside of each making them 8.5cm thick in total. Wood of this quality and heritage can be put to a myriad of uses - and not only by the educated mind!
Length: 120
Width: 60
Thickness: 3